Then you've come to the right place!
beer·o·phile [bîr-uh-fahyl] (noun)- A lover of, enthusiast for, buff, devotee, or fan of BEER, in all it's forms
- Somebody who has an enthusiasm for, or is strongly attracted to knowledge about fermented beverages made from malted barley and hops
- A website where lovers of frosty malted goodness unite to share their reviews and favorite brews
This is a site for people who love a good pint, want to talk about or review a favorite micro brew, and find out more about the fruits of brewing industry; stout, craft brew, porter, lager, all kinds of brews--I tend to prefer ale, and Guinness is my favorite (but more on that later). You can rate beer here, sharing your love for the liquid gold, the juice of the barley, the amber nectar of the gods...
This site got its start as a result of one of the best birthday gifts a beer lover could receive. For my 40th birthday, my wife handed me a birthday card. No gift-wrapped package. No big screen TV with a red bow. No tee time at the local course. No keys to a new car. What gives? ...The BIG FOUR-O is kind of a landmark birthday, and she just gets me a card? Seriously?
Well, she's a crafty one (and a big fan of the Belgians herself, especially a good trippel! How do you think she became the wife of a devoted craft brew connoisseur in the first place?) Naturally, the birthday card had a 'hallowed be thy ale' theme, and was signed with a cryptic note: "Seek and ye shall find." Attached to the card was a purple streamer that led down the hallway and disappeared into a closet.
Following the streamer, I found a bottle of Mephistopheles Stout in the closet with another little note: "...You're just getting started!"
Attentive readers will have already figured out that there must be 40 more bottles to be found in this little adventure, but it took me a while to clue-in.
2 1/2 hours later (my wife and her accomplices are very clever with their hiding places), I had a shiny new collection of 40 different bottles of craft beer, specialty beers (oktoberfest, christmas ale), microbrew and imports lined up on the dining room table - only two of which I had ever had before!
When asked, "What are you going to do with all these?" the obvious answer was "Drink them!" which was then quickly followed by:
"How are you going to keep straight which ones you like?"
"Are you going to take notes?"
"Will you let us know which you liked best?"
...And thus the idea for this website was born--a way for me to share with family, friends and other lovers of the suds (some might say "beer snob" but we're going to try and keep things positive here) the joys of that wonderful birthday gift. (...You'll soon see we've now expanded beyond the initial 40)
We hope you enjoy this tribute to the many styles of the liquid gold brew, and we'll throw in a little history, some beer facts and other information that brewski lovers and barley enthusiasts (and their friends and family) will find interesting. We've got pages about porter, lager, stout, ipa; pages about breweries, brewpubs, micro breweries and even a little about homebrewing; we've got pages about regional styles and even a tiny bit about big global brands.